COVID-19 County-Wide Test, Case, and Death Trends

Number of COVID-19 cases, tests, and deaths by report date, by county. New positive cases, deaths and tests have occurred over a range of dates but were reported to ISDH in the last 24 hours.

All data displayed is preliminary and subject to change as more information is reported to ISDH. Tests are displayed by the date the test was performed and deaths are displayed by the date the death occurred. Expect historical data to change as data is reported to ISDH

Historical Changes:

10/16/2020: This dataset has been updated to include the total number of tests administered that returned positive results (including all positive tests returned to the same individual).

9/25/2020: This dataset has been updated to include the cases by specimen collection date. See the updated data dictionary for more details.

8/26/2020: This dataset has been updated to include rolling averages for cases, deaths, and tests as well as two separate positivity rate calculations: Positivty rate by unique individuals tested, and positivity rate including all administered tests. See the updated data dictionary for more details.

7/14/2020: The previous column header issue recurred, keeping today's dataset from accurately updating. The error has been addressed and the dataset updated.

7/11/2020: - The previous column header issue has been resolved, and the dataset updated with the most up to date data. A column change has occurred, placing COUNTY_NAME at the end of the file, and adding in LOCATION_ID - which is the FIPS code for each county. The data dictionary has been updated accordingly.

7/10/2020: (RESOLVED) We are aware of a column header issue that occurred yesterday, and are working to resolve this with updated datasets as soon as possible.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source ISDH - FSSA
Author Indiana State Department of Health
Maintainer Management Performance Hub
Last Updated December 13, 2020, 11:52 (EST)
Created May 14, 2020, 08:33 (EDT)
Granularity Aggregate, County-Level
Language English
Spatial/Geographic Coverage State of Indiana
Temporal Coverage 2/29/2020-Present